Blog • 7 min read • Published June 22, 2023 • Updated November 18, 2023

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Chiropractic's Best Solution for Stress Management
Find out how chiropractic care can manage stress effectively. Learn about the link between spinal health and stress, the science behind adjustments, and the importance of holistic lifestyle changes for stress reduction
man experiencing stress

Chiropractic Care for Effective Stress Management

In our fast-paced world, stress has become unavoidable, making effective stress management crucial for overall well-being. As an evidence-based chiropractor, I have explored recent research that sheds light on stress management. This perspective offers valuable insights for everyone dealing with the rising prevalence of stress-related conditions.

The Nervous System and Stress

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The autonomic nervous system is crucial in regulating the body's response to stress. It regulates our "fight or flight" and "rest and digest" responses. Imbalances in this system can lead to various stress-related symptoms. Research shows a strong link between spinal manipulation used in chiropractic care and the autonomic nervous system [1].

Spinal Health and Stress: Insights from Research

The spine, housing the crucial spinal cord, is intricately connected to the nervous system and our stress response. Dysfunction in the spine can impact the nervous system's function, affecting our stress responses. A study by Inami et al. demonstrated that spinal manipulation can induce relaxation, reducing subjective pain and resulting in metabolic changes in the brain and muscles [2]. Stress is not just emotional but also manifests physically in our bodies, often resulting in common conditions treated by chiropractors.

Chiropractic Care and Nervous System Function

chiropractic treatment to the neck of a female patient
Chiropractic care plays a significant role in optimising nervous system function. Through adjustments, we aim to enhance the well-being of the nervous system. Research indicates that chiropractic adjustments can help restore balance to the autonomic nervous system, positively influencing our body's stress response [1]. While chiropractic care alone may not eliminate all sources of stress, it can be a powerful tool in managing stress effectively.

Comprehensive Stress Reduction Techniques with Chiropractic Care

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Chiropractic care extends beyond adjustments. In an evidence-based approach, I encourage lifestyle changes and stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and a healthy diet. These practices complement chiropractic care and contribute to overall stress management. Prioritising mindfulness or deep breathing exercises before and after adjustments can optimise both physical alignment and mental preparedness, optimising the stress response.

Science Behind Chiropractic Adjustments and Stress Management

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Various research studies have expanded our understanding of chiropractic care. For instance, the work by Cramer et al. offers insights into the basic science related to chiropractic spinal adjusting [3]. This scientific foundation supports the practical application of chiropractic care in stress management.

Nervous System, Immunity, and Stress Connection

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The connection between the nervous system and innate immunity has been established by Brogden et al., revealing the connection between neuropeptides and the immune response [4]. This has implications for stress management, as stress can impact both our nervous and immune systems. 

Clinical Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Stress

Chiropractor treating patient for neck pain (1).webpA randomised controlled trial by Galaasen Bakken et al. demonstrated the effect of spinal manipulative therapy on heart rate variability and pain in patients with chronic neck pain [5]. Considering that variations in heart rate can serve as a significant indicator of stress, this research underscores the potential of chiropractic care in managing stress. To gain more insight on pain management, I invite you to check out our prior post, 'Headaches and Migraines: Experience Relief with Chiropractic Care'

Chiropractic's Best Solution for Stress Management

A holistic approach to stress management is key. Just as a well-rounded meal requires multiple components, stress management benefits from a combination of routine chiropractic care, stress reduction techniques, and a balanced diet.

Integrating Routine Chiropractic Care for Stress Management

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Routine chiropractic care is crucial for maintaining optimal spinal health and supporting the nervous system. Similar to maintaining physical fitness, consistent adjustments are recommended to ensure continued well-being. To learn more, you can check out the benefits of routine chiropractic visits in maintaining a strong spine.

Embracing Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief

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Imagine taking a deep, calming breath during mindfulness meditation or yoga. Your mind quiets down and your thoughts become more focused. You feel the connection between your mind and body deepening. These aren't just exercises, they're a gateway to managing stress and boosting your well-being.

Balanced Diet for Stress Management

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Think of your diet as a colorful palette of nature's bounty. Crunchy fruits, vibrant vegetables, and premium sources of protein are not only pleasing to the eye and palate but they're your body's warriors against stress. Adding in the right kind of proteins, be it from chicken, fish, or even plant-based sources, is like providing your body with the right set of tools for optimal health.

Conclusion: Control Stress with Chiropractic Care

While mainstream medical advice often leans towards medication and talk therapy for stress management, it's important to recognise that every person's experience of stress is unique. Chiropractic care offers a valuable, natural approach to stress management. By optimising nervous system function, incorporating stress reduction techniques, and maintaining a balanced diet, you can take control of your stress levels.


"As a chiropractor, I strongly believe in the deep & profound connection between the body and mind. Our stresses aren't just psychological, they manifest physically too. Through chiropractic care, we can positively influence the nervous system and support our bodies in managing the stresses of life more effectively." - DC. Ian Yeoh

Feeling inspired to take control of your stress? Reach out to Ian The Chiro, your dedicated chiropractic professional in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Let's journey together towards improved health and reduced stress. Schedule your appointment today!



  1. Wirth, B., Gassner, A., de Bruin, E. D., Axén, I., Swanenburg, J., Humphreys, B. K., & Schweinhardt, P. (2019). Neurophysiological Effects of High Velocity and Low Amplitude Spinal Manipulation in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Humans: A Systematic Literature Review. Spine, 44(15), E914-E926. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003013.


  2. Inami, A., Ogura, T., Watanuki, S., Masud, M. M., Shibuya, K., Miyake, M., Matsuda, R., Hiraoka, K., Itoh, M., Fuhr, A. W., Yanai, K., & Tashiro, M. (2017). Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy: A [18F]FDG PET Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017, 4345703. doi: 10.1155/2017/4345703.


  3. Cramer, G., Budgell, B., Henderson, C., Khalsa, P., & Pickar, J. (2006). Basic science research related to chiropractic spinal adjusting: the state of the art and recommendations revisited. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 29(9), 726-761. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2006.09.003.


  4. Brogden, K. A., Guthmiller, J. M., Salzet, M., & Zasloff, M. (2005). The nervous system and innate immunity: the neuropeptide connection. Nature Immunology, 6(6), 558-564. doi: 10.1038/ni1209.


  5. Galaasen Bakken, A., Axén, I., Eklund, A., & O'Neill, S. (2019). The effect of spinal manipulative therapy on heart rate variability and pain in patients with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 590. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3678-8.