Safe Alternatives for Chiropractic Adjustments at Home
When you're experiencing back pain, neck stiffness, or other joint issues, a trip to the chiropractor can work wonders. But what about the chiropractors themselves?
"Can chiropractors adjust themselves?"
We'll take a look into this topic and provide the information you need to know, from how to do chiropractic adjustments on someone to the safety and effectiveness of self chiropractic adjustment.
So... What is A Chiropractic Adjustment?
You've probably heard the term 'adjustment' bandied about in chiropractic circles. But what does it really mean?
Simply put, a chiropractic adjustment is a specialised, deliberate force applied to a specific spinal joint that's moving suboptimally, or what we in the industry call a 'subluxated' joint.
The objective of an adjustment?
To restore normal movement and ultimately improve overall spinal health, while alleviating discomfort or pain.
And that 'cracking' or 'popping' sound you might have heard about? It's just the sound of gas bubbles escaping from the joint - a completely normal and harmless occurrence. It may sound a bit unnerving, but rest assured, an adjustment isn't a 'whack only' procedure, it is a safe and effective intervention when performed by experienced chiropractic professionals.
The Art and Science Behind Chiropractic Adjustments
Having understood what a chiropractic adjustment is, let's explore further into the inner workings behind these precise interventions. Again, not 'whack only'; it's a calculated procedure rooted in thorough training and expertise.
Chiropractors are equipped with an extensive understanding of the human body, particularly the spine. They utilise techniques like palpation, motion tests, and sometimes x-rays to identify 'problem areas' causing discomfort, dysfunction, or pain.
Conducting a chiropractic adjustment requires in-depth knowledge and skill. Recognizing the 'problem joint', how it interacts with its surroundings, and applying the perfect amount of 'pressure' (adjustment) to improve its 'performance' (functioning) are part of a chiropractor's daily work. Thus, during your next chiropractic visit, remember: You are in the capable hands of a healthcare provider dedicated to restoring your body's optimal functioning.
At-Home Chiropractic Adjustments: Should You Try It?
The internet is brimming with guides and video tutorials about at-home stretches designed to alleviate pain and improve your mobility. While these can be beneficial, venturing into the realm of DIY chiropractic adjustments is another story altogether.
The risk of self chiropractic adjustment, whether it's for your lower back or neck, is simply too high. Incorrectly applied, these adjustments can lead to injuries, making your situation worse than before.
Dc. Ian Yeoh, a professional chiropractor based in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur shares his perspective:
"Attempting to self-adjust is a bit like trying to cut your own hair WITHOUT a mirror; you're likely to miss the mark and... haircut GONE. It's always better to consult a professional, just like you would for any other health concern. We chiropractors are trained to understand and care for your spine in ways that aren't easily replicated without years of study and practice."
Interested in finding the right chiropractor for your needs? Check out our guide for local chiropractors near you in Malaysia: Choosing Your Chiropractor: A Guide by Ian The Chiro.
The Dangers of Self Chiropractic Adjustments
Performing a self chiropractic adjustment might sound tempting, but it's essential to understand the potential risks involved. Can you do chiropractic adjustment yourself?
Technically, yes, but you might be putting your health at risk.
Some of the ⚠️dangers⚠️ of self-adjustment include:
- Misdiagnosis: You may not accurately diagnose the cause of your pain, leading to improper treatment.
- Incorrect technique: Chiropractic therapy is a skill that requires years of training, and using the wrong technique can cause injury.
- Over-manipulation: Adjusting too often or too forcefully can result in increased pain and discomfort.
- Lack of follow-up care: Chiropractors often recommend additional treatment, such as soft tissue therapy or therapeutic exercises, which you might miss out on if you self-adjust.
Can Chiropractors Adjust Themselves?
While chiropractors possess extensive knowledge and expertise in performing adjustments on others, the concept of self-adjustments is challenging and often impractical. Although some chiropractors may claim to be capable of self-adjustments, such as those involving the neck or shoulder blades, they typically require assistance from a colleague to ensure accuracy and specificity.
It's important to note that chiropractors undergo rigorous training to develop the skills necessary for safe and effective adjustments. Attempting self-adjustments without proper training and understanding of the techniques can lead to potential risks and injuries.
At-Home Chiropractic Stretches
Instead of attempting a self chiropractic adjustment, consider incorporating at-home chiropractic stretches into your daily routine to maintain your spinal health. Some helpful stretches include:
1. Cat-Cow Stretch
The Cat-Cow Stretch is a yoga pose that promotes flexibility in the spine and helps relieve tension in the neck and back.

Cow Pose
Cat Pose
- Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders, and your knees directly under your hips.Inhale and drop your belly towards the mat.
- Lift your chin and chest, gazing up toward the ceiling (Cow Pose).
- As you exhale, draw your belly into your spine and round your back toward the ceiling (Cat Pose). The pose should look like a cat stretching its back.
- Repeat this sequence for 10 slow reps, twice a day, ideally once in the morning and once in the evening.
If you're interested in deepening your understanding of such beneficial stretches, you might consider exploring Manasa Yoga. Founded by Manoj Kaimal and Sandhya in 1999, Manasa Yoga offers a holistic approach to yoga, blending physical poses with mindfulness to cultivate awareness and promote overall health. The school, renowned for its teacher training programs, was recognized as the Best Yoga School in Malaysia by Yoga Life Magazine and Tourism Malaysia in 2020.
2. Child's Pose
After completing your set of Cat-Cow Stretches, seamlessly transition into the Child's Pose. This pose stretches your lower back and hips, providing relief from tension and pain.
Child's Pose
- From your hands and knees, sit back onto your heels, keeping your hands where they are.
- Lower your forehead to the floor and let your entire body relax.
- Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, then slowly rise back up to your hands and knees.
- Repeat this 3 times, twice daily.
3. Supine Spinal Twist
The Supine Spinal Twist is a great way to end this mini flow routine. This stretch helps to improve spinal mobility and release tension in the lower back.
Supine Spinal Twist
- Lie down on your back with one knee bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Extend your arms out to the sides in a 'T' shape.
- Slowly drop the above knee to one side, keeping your shoulders on the ground.
- Turn your head in the opposite direction.
- Hold for about 30 seconds, then slowly bring your top knee back to center.
Repeat on the opposite side. - Perform this 3 times on each side, twice daily.
This mini routine of Cat-Cow to Child's Pose to Supine Spinal Twist, performed twice daily, can help maintain your spinal health. For optimal results, practice these exercises once in the morning after waking up and once at night before going to bed.
Can You Self Adjust Your Spine?
While some online resources or guides may suggest the possibility of performing spinal adjustments at home, we strongly discourage it.
Performing self chiropractic adjustments, especially without proper knowledge or training, poses considerable risk. You may end up causing injury, exacerbating existing problems, or developing new ones. Always consult with a professional chiropractor for personalised advice and treatment, particularly when it comes to spinal adjustments.
How to Do Self Chiropractic Adjustments Safely
If you're still keen on learning how to perform self chiropractic adjustments, consider the following:
D O N ' T D O I T
1. Consult a Chiropractor First: Before attempting any self adjustments, have a conversation with a professional chiropractor. They can offer insights into safe practices and even dissuade you from trying potentially harmful techniques.
2. Limit Your Practice to Gentle Stretches: Stick to gentle stretches that are approved by your chiropractor. Don't attempt any advanced manoeuvres, such as back or neck adjustments, without proper guidance and training.
3. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power. Understand the anatomy of the spine, the correct stretching techniques, and the benefits and risks of chiropractic adjustments.
Common Questions About Chiropractic Adjustments
- Can chiropractic adjustments make you taller?
While some individuals may experience a slight increase in height after an adjustment due to improved posture and spinal alignment, chiropractic adjustments are not a reliable method for increasing height.
- Can chiropractic adjustments make you sick?
Some individuals may feel temporary soreness, the most common side effect, in the adjusted areas. Others could experience mild symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or dizziness. However, these typically disappear within a day or two. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult with your chiropractor or healthcare provider promptly.
In light of this discussion, it's clear that chiropractic adjustments, while potentially beneficial, are complex procedures best left to professionals. Chiropractors might be able to perform some self-adjustments, but it isn't always practical or even possible. For non-professionals, self-adjustments carry a significant risk of injury and are generally discouraged.
However, this doesn't mean you're powerless in maintaining and improving your spinal health. The implementation of safe, chiropractor-approved stretches, as mentioned above, can be a valuable part of your daily routine. And beyond these physical exercises, adopting a holistic approach to your wellbeing could be a game-changer.
For instance, Manasa Yoga, under the guidance of Manoj Kaimal and Sandhya, provides an approach to yoga that intertwines physical poses with a mindfulness practice, fostering overall health and deepening self-awareness. This Malaysian yoga school, celebrated as the Best Yoga School in 2020, offers various programs that can greatly contribute to your health journey.
Whether it's pursuing professional chiropractic care, engaging in safe stretching routines, or immersing yourself in holistic practices like Manasa Yoga, the road to your best spinal health and wellness is multi-faceted. Remember, your health is a lifelong journey, not a destination.
Ready to take your spinal health into your hands? Schedule an appointment with Ian The Chiro, a professional chiropractor based in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Let's work together to achieve your best health!
For more info:
Manasa Yoga
"Manasa classes are open to individuals from all backgrounds who seek to incorporate movement, body work, breath work, and philosophical perspectives into their lives."